REVIEW: Velocity

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Puzzle, Shooter
PS4, PS Vita, PS3

Velocity is a scrolling game that involves navigating a Quarp Jet, a spacecraft that can teleport while it avoiding and defeating aliens. The main goal of the game is to rescue stranded ships. In order to do that you must shoot down shields and obstacles in order to reach stranded ships and rescue their crews. The puzzle portion comes when you must deactivate the shields in a specific order as well as other challenges.

Velocity is a cross buy, which means that it is available for both the PS4, PS3 and the PS Vita. I had a chance to play it on both the PS4 and the Vita and both are great ports. The Vita version feels natural, with the bombs using the the right joystick. The graphics are amazing as they use a variety of colors and the game is quite challenging as the levels ramp up the difficulty once you get a feel for the game.

The game also adds a side scrolling section that puts our heroine on foot and dashing through barriers, solving puzzles that advance the game. While most games that take you out of the main game would feel disjointed, the on foot action feels like a natural extension to the game.

With all the triple a titles vying for your attention, Velocity is a game that shouldn't be missed as it is a new twist on an old theme and it is done exceptionally well. Velocity is free until 7 October when October's Playstation Plus games switch. So act fast if you want to experience it.



REVIEW: AirMech Arena

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AirMech Arena
Arcade, Multiplayer,
PC, Steam, XBox 360, Android

One of the best free to play games on the Xbox 360 is AirMech Area, a game that has you piloting a large pantheon of aircraft that can transform into a giant robot as you fight for control over a map. The graphics really remind me of the 80's Saturday morning cartoons as the maps are colorful and the units are drawn well, but simple.

When you first start AirMech Arena you are to choose between three pilots, all with a positive and a negative ability/stat. (IE: speed but no armor, or armor but no speed). After choosing a pilot you are subject to a long tutorial, which does gets a little long in the tooth, which teaches you how to take over a control point and order various units from your base.

Your Mech is able to carry your bases troops and other units and drop them all over the map and you can issue orders to your troops as they are being generated at your base or you can create them, pick them up, and send them into the fray.

The action is quick and the game is fun as there are over 60 units to choose from to help you conquer your enemies. I found the best option is to defend your base first by building turrets, once you have adequately set up your defense, you can then set out conquering the rest of the map without worrying about being over ran. I also took over other bases to expand my empire before going for the heart of the enemy. A lot of preparation goes a long way and makes for quicker matches.

While the game is free to play, there is an option to visit the publisher's store where you can purchase upgrades and new skins; however, as you play through the game you earn points called Kudos, which will help you along the way and allow you to purchase new pilots and units without spending any money, unless you are impatient, in which case you will head straight for the store.


AirMech Arena is one of those games that will make the top ten list every time as it is a unique game that pairs real time strategy with tower defense games all wrapped up in the feel of a cartoon.

Overall 9/10

REVIEW: Destiny

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Single Player, First person RPG
Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS 4, PS3, PC

Destiny is an online multiplayer, first-person, open-world shooter set in a science fiction setting in Earth's future.

I have had the opportunity to play for several days now and have hit the opening ceiling, level 20. While I will continue to play the game, this is my review based on the first half of the game. Roughly 20 hours into it.


Anyone who has played the Halo franchise will quickly feel like they are at home. The controls are very similar. The game has several missions that are played linearly but as you progress through them the game allows you to try different planets and jump around; however, you will need to complete all of the missions at some point in order to finish the game.

By opening up your ghost you are able to find side missions on every planet that range from kill x amount of enemies to collect items from killed enemies. There is also the occasional scan an area that you must navigate the entire map to stand in one place for a few seconds and then the mission is complete. They are all rather easy and provide a decent amount of experience points helping you level up. The best way to ensure good experience points is to do bounties, which range from kill 100 enemies without dying in the campaign to benchmarks in the crucible (the PvP arena).

Two other modes are Raids, Strikes. These put you up against bosses after fighting your way to them in 3 person fireteams. I have only done a few of them and they are most helpful once you hit the 20th level and want to continue leveling up your toon as they have a better chance of dropping "light gear."

The Crucible is the final play mode currently. For anyone who wants to pit themselves against other players there are a few modes to play where you can also win gear that will help you in the main campaign. I strongly recommend using an auto rifle as the single shot gun had me at a disadvantage for those that play this type of game a lot.

The problems that I have with the game are that it is a very short campaign. After roughly 18 hours I had completed the game and was only a few XP points away from hitting level 20. Once I hit level 20, I grew bored. The reason that I grew bored was because the game is very repetitive and monotonous. Once you have done it, you have to do it again and again. The loot that drops is far and few between. While the drops improved as I reached level 20 they still took forever to get and weren't all that helpful as they weren't much better than what I was already equipped with and didn't boost my stats enough to make the mission worth it. Destiny does use Loot 2.0 where the loot you see is yours and yours alone, which makes it so that you aren't fighting over drops. But it is only for your toons and you can only share between the characters you have created. It is disappointing as you come across things that could be useful to your online friends, it would be nice to be able to give it to your friends to help them on their journey, maybe in a patch.

another complaint is that the enemies are just new skins on Halo enemies. Their guns are very similar as well as their "classes." The differences are in looks only and it is disappointing. The loading times are annoying. It loads to get to the destination screen and once you have picked a location you will wait for it to load again, perfect for restroom breaks or grabbing a snack. Trust me, you have time.

Finally, I played as a warlock and one of the powers is to glide, while a cool power it does make it difficult to get to higher locations on the map. A hunter is able to double and later triple jump making it easy for them to reach hidden chests and places, where I was stuck making several attempts to reach a ledge. While my buddy and I would laugh about the whole ordeal, it was frustrating to say the least.

Very early in the game (on launch day) I took part in an in game event as a giant Sputnik like satellite fell to Earth and my friend and I tackled the event alone. I figured on launch day hundreds of people would rush the scene and take part in the event but alas, my buddy and I did it by ourselves. Not sure if the game ramps up the difficulty as more players join in but it wasn't all the difficult to do with just two people. Since then, I haven't seen an event. While the game, Defiance wasn't all that great, one thing they did do well was in-game events and it is a model that Bungie should model themselves after.


If there is one thing Destiny does well is how beautiful the game looks. Sitting for a few minutes to watch time pass in the game will reveal a stunning horizon. The guns are modeled well and the enemies are rendered well.


Bungie recycled a lot of the audio from Halo and fans will notice it quickly. The voice acting, while it features the very talented Peter Dinklage as your ghost companion, is not very exciting and in my opinion appears to have phoned in his lines and then cashed his check.

Some of the upcoming events before the planned DLC in December:


While Destiny has a lot of things going for it and has many events planned soon (see below) it is very monotonous and repetitive. The fact that the campaign is short, only 18 hours or so strikes me as very short sighted. The lack of directions on what to do after reaching level 20 is disappointing and while it could be fixed with a little tweaking, the loot drops are far and few between make for a lot of unnecessary grinding.  With that said, Bungie does seem very committed to game and we should see some positive changes very soon. I am not all that impressed with the game but look forward to seeing how the game develops over time and improves. It has a lot going for it and I am hoping for improvements to make this game last as a rotating title in my playlist.


REVIEW: Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood XBOX ONE

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Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood
Platformer, Puzzle, Side-scroller
360, XB1, Windows

Max arrives home and is quickly annoyed by his little brother, Felix. A quick internet search on how to get rid of your brother leads to a portal opening up and a hand grabbing Felix right in front of Max. Worried what will happen when their parents get home, Max quickly jumps into the portal in order to save his brother. Thus begins the adventure.


The core of Max: Curse of the Brotherhood is a 2 1/2D side-scrolling puzzle game with a cinematic camera. Like the predecessors before it, you must navigate pits, animals and enemies while using ropes, vines, and pillars to navigate the world. Very early on you receive a "magic marker" that grants you the ability to manipulate the environment. You can raise platforms, erase items that help Max on his journey to recover his brother.

While there are plenty of puzzles, there are also enemies that you must work around. At times if feels like the successor to the old 8-bit Mario games that I have fond memories of.


Right off the bat, you can see that Max is a beautiful game. The colors are rich and the environments are stunning. The characters are drawn in a very Pixar way and will find fans quickly.


While the audio is great and works well within the game, it isn't all that memorable. As I write this review, I can't even recall the music. I know that it works well within the levels and helps you become immersed in the game but that it doesn't stick with you the way other in-game music would.


I happened to pick this up with XBox One's Games With Gold program and enjoyed it for several hours; however, that said I am not all that sure that I will ever manage to finish it as it gets old quickly and it never really grabs at you the way some games do. If you are looking for something new and visually stunning then pick this one up. It just won't keep you all that interested for very long.


REVIEW: Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition PS4

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Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
Action Role player, Dungeon Crawler, Online Multiplayer, Single player
PS3, PS4, 360, XB1, PC, Mac

Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition has finally hit shelves for the consoles. I played Diablo III when it first came to computers and enjoyed it even with its lackluster launch. When it came to the Xbox 360, I gave it another go and loved it on the system and now it is available for the new current gen platforms with the first expansion Reaper of Souls.

The game is centered around the demons of the world and the angels and other guardians that safeguard the walls against them. In Diablo 3 the demons are once again on the rise and attempting to take over the world. You are the chosen one to return the demons to their realm and set things back on track.

As the player there are several classes to choose from:

The Barbarian, the staple melee character.

The Witch Doctor, the successor to the previous Diablo's Necromancer.

The Wizard, the hard-hitting damage dealer from afar. The successor to the Sorcerer.

The Monk, a quicker melee character.

The Demon Hunter, a ranged power house.

New for the Reaper of Souls expansion, The Crusader, a mid-range class that relies on shields, flails and spells.

Regardless of you class choice characters are able to use almost all of the weapons that drop from your enemies.


It seems as if Diablo III was designed for the console as the game works really well. The combat system works exceptionally well and attempting to go for slaughtering large groups of enemies is satisfying. While the equipment management can be daunting at times, it only takes a little bit of time to get the basics down and start really making a dent in the enemy hordes.

Aside from combat and loot management, there are plenty of other skills to learn. Teaching your blacksmith new skills and patterns, leveling up your gem crafter to help augment your loot, and with the expansion you can also level up the artisan, who will change an items augmentation allowing you to pick and choose what qualities your kit contains.

What makes Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition so great is that it has been released 2 years after the initial release and all the patches and hit or miss tweaking to the game have already been done so it is as polished as much as it can be and it is impressive.

I have been playing the game almost non-stop whether it is going at it solo or with friends. The addition of Adventure Mode has you traveling to different acts within the game to gather bounties. Some of the bounties range from killing a certain number of enemies to going after certain bosses. Completion of the list of bounties allow for a large collection of loot that can be worth it.

Another added mode is Rifts, in order to open up the rifts you are required to have 5 rift keys, which are obtained through bounties. The monsters in Rift Mode are varied and have a higher chance of dropping legendary loot.

There is also a Hardcore Mode that you can select after leveling a character to level 10. In Hardcore Mode the player is unable to resurrect so if the created player dies, that is it.


The game runs at 1080p on PS4 and Xbox One with a staggering 60 FPS (frames per second), which is absolutely gorgeous on any TV you are playing on. The colors are rich and the atmosphere palpable.


The voice acting is impressive, many of the characters have deep resonating voices that are absolutely perfect for the game. The mood is also set with the music in the game.


Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition is nearly perfect. It takes everything that was perfect with the game and adds to it. The ability to jump in and out of friends games is great and now that level 70 is no longer the zenith of your career the game has a long lasting appeal. Even if you don't get addicted to it like I have, it is still the perfect game to hold onto and play intermittently as it is very engaging.

Overall 9.5/10

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